Our mission is to develop critical thinking by questioning and reflective thinking on "How's and Why's" leading to improvement in academic achievements and helpful in later life.
Our Philosophy is to provide each child with a culturally appropriate environment, values, love and protection needed to grow healthily in body, mind and spirit. The stimulating environment and NCERT based curriculum nurture the roots and lay the foundation to achieve success in all phases of life.
Our Philosophy is to provide each child with a culturally appropriate environment, values, love and protection needed to grow healthily in body, mind and spirit. The stimulating environment and NCERT based curriculum nurture the roots and lay the foundation to achieve success in all phases of life.
KNOW WHY TO CHOOSE US“ Individually, and as a whole, I saw first-hand how supported, safe and comfortable your students feel. I saw Oakfields core values in action as kids persevered, used their resources, showed compassion and asked their teachers for help. Anjali Jain
“ I feel so blessed every day that my kids go to the Oakfields School. You have managed to do what I assumed could not be done in a school - Neeraj Khanna
“ For the first time in his life my son jumps out of bed first thing in the morning without being told to get up for school. This school has transformed our lives Vijay Sharma
Head Office
Shemrock & Oakfields Group of Schools
Plot No. 2, Sector 69, Mohali, Punjab
Ph : +91 97790 30444 & +91 89688 12345 & +91 172 2216234